8 ways to spend Valentine's Day with your kids

8 ways to spend Valentine's Day with your kids

8 ways to spend Valentine's Day with your kids

Valentine's Day is approaching, and if you're a parent, you might feel stressed because you can't just dash off for a romantic weekend or dinner.

But fear not! Even with kids in scene, you can still have a fun and romantic Valentine's Day. Instead of feeling left out, involve your kids in your plans. There are plenty of ways to make the day special for everyone.

St. Valentine's Day today is all about showing love through gifts, words of affirmations, hugs touch and acts of service. But did you know it started as a day to honor a Christian saint named Valentine? There were actually three Valentines, but the most famous one was a priest who helped Christian martyrs. He ended up being martyred too, and a basilica was built over his grave. Some stories say he even helped soldiers get married against the law. So, while we celebrate love on Valentine's Day, it's also a reminder of how people like St. Valentine showed love even in tough times.

Before having kids, your Valentine's Day was probably all about romantic dates or outings with your friends. But as a parent, it can sometimes be about spending the evening at home with your little ones.  Instead of stressing about finding a babysitter, you can turn the day into a chance to spend some quality time with your child and/or teach your kids about love and affection. It's important that Valentine's Day isn't just for you and your partner but can also include your kids in the celebration.

Celebrating Valentine's Day with your kids is awesome for a few reasons. First, you get to show them what a healthy relationship looks like by being loving and affectionate to them. It's also a chance to bond as a family and make some sweet memories together.

Here are 8 fun ideas for things you can do at home with your kids to celebrate Valentine's Day:

  1. Wake them up to a memorable delicious breakfast

Start Valentine's Day with a delightful surprise for your kids: a heartwarming breakfast! Kids get super excited about holidays, and the fun starts as soon as they wake up. Treat them to a special themed breakfast to kick off the day right. You can whip up heart-shaped pancakes or waffles or sprinkle some red toppings on their yogurt or oatmeal. To make it even more special, ask your child what their favorite breakfast is, and make it for the whole family. This shows them love and solidarity. And remember, always check for any food allergies beforehand.

For an extra fun twist, get your kids involved in making heart-shaped waffles! Let them help mix the batter or turn breakfast into a fun decorating activity. You can use toppings like fresh fruit, chocolate chips, sprinkles, and whipped cream to make their creations extra special. If you don't have a heart-shaped waffle maker, no worries! Just make pancakes and use a heart-shaped cookie cutter instead. Use food coloring or berry juice to turn pancake or waffle batter to a fun and interesting colour and top them with sliced strawberries and whipped cream. It's a surefire way to start the day with fun, love and joy!



  1. Write love letters

Prepare for some heartwarming fun with this activity: writing love letters and delivering Valentine cards! All you need are some basic materials like paper, pencils, crayons, scissors, stickers, and glue. Set aside some time in the week leading up to Valentine's Day for everyone in the family (yes, even moms and dads) to write love letters to each other. They can be short and sweet, or more detailed. Feel free to provide stickers and craft materials for decorating the letters. The key is to help your kids practice expressing their love and appreciation for their family members. Help them think about what they love and admire about each person in the family. Brainstorm together some positive traits to include in their letters. Save these love letters to exchange on Valentine's Day for a heartwarming surprise!

Encourage your children to spread love beyond the family by making and delivering Valentine cards to friends and extended members of the family. If you are religious, you can have them write a card to God, giving thanks and praise for all the blessings in your family's life. You can read these aloud during breakfast or dinner.

Next, why not spread some love to unsuspecting strangers? Have your kids make Valentine cards to give to shoppers at the grocery store. It's a simple way to brighten someone's day!

Finally, consider spreading some love to those in need by making Valentine cards for people in a nursing home. You may need to coordinate with the staff to arrange a drop-off, but it's a wonderful way to bring joy to others on Valentine's Day. With these activities, you'll not only create special moments with your family but also spread love and kindness to others in your community.


  1. Decorate the house with quotes about love

Spice up the house with love-filled quotes! Find quotes about love from the Internet, Scriptures, and books. You can print them out on hearts or write them on colorful construction paper. Get your older kids and teens involved in the fun! Let them search for quotes and help with making the decorations. It's a great way to get them engaged and excited about spreading love. Once you have your quotes ready, decorate different areas of the house with them. You can tape them up on walls, doors, or even hang them from strings for a festive touch. With these love-filled decorations, your home will be a warm and welcoming place to celebrate Valentine's Day with your family. Plus, it's a wonderful reminder of the power of love in our lives!


  1. Share your love story

As your children grow up, they may become curious about love and relationships. Take the opportunity this Valentine's Day to share some love stories with them. You can do this over a meal, during a cozy family moment. Tell them about how you met your partner, or if you're single share a funny or interesting love story from your own life. It's a great way to bond with your kids and talk about the concept of love in a fun and age-appropriate way. You can even look at photos together to make the story come to life!


  1. Engage in random acts of kindness:

Have you ever heard of random acts of kindness? It's when you do something nice for someone without expecting anything in return. It could be as simple as holding the door open for someone or giving a compliment. Valentine's Day happens to fall during Random Acts of Kindness Week (February 9 -15). This is a perfect opportunity to teach your children about the importance of being kind to others. You can even visit The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation's website for more ideas!

During this week, challenge your kids to see who can do the most acts of kindness. It could be helping a neighbor with groceries, or even delivering flowers to an elderly neighbor. It's a fun way to spread love and kindness in your community!


  1. Snuggle Up For A Family Movie Night

Teaching your kids about love is important, and Valentine's Day is a great chance to do that. A cozy family movie night is a perfect way to celebrate together.

There are plenty of sweet, family-friendly movies to choose from. You could watch classics like "A Cinderella Story," "Lady and the Tramp," or "The Princess Bride." If you're looking for something with a deeper message about love and friendship, consider movies like "Wall-E," "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial," or "The Little Prince." These films explore themes of friendship and connection in a heartwarming way.

And if you're in the mood for a romantic movie, you can't go wrong with classics like "Beauty and the Beast," "Aladdin," or "Lady and the Tramp." So grab some popcorn, snuggle up with your little ones, and enjoy a love-filled movie night together!


  1. Say “I Love You”

When was the last time you really meant it when you said "I love you"? Not just a routine phrase you say  before leaving the house or ending a call. Now's the time to make it count.

How often do you say those three simple words out loud? Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to express your love sincerely. And there's no better audience than your children!

Take a moment to tell your kids how much you love them and how special they are to you. Let them feel the warmth of your affection and the depth of your care. And don't forget about your partner too! Share your love with them, reminding them of the special place they hold in your heart. So, this Valentine's Day, spread love and joy by saying those magical words and making your loved ones feel truly cherished.


  1. Plan a kid-friendly party.

Throw a fantastic kid-friendly party now that the house is all decked out for Valentine's Day deco! Invite a few of your children's friends over, or just gather their favorite stuffed animals for a fun time. To keep everyone entertained, find some free printable templates for games like Valentine's Bingo or Tic-Tac-Toe online. These games are easy to set up and will keep the kids engaged and having a blast.

Next, get creative in the kitchen by decorating cupcakes or heart-shaped cookies with pink frosting and colorful sprinkles. It's a fun activity that doubles as a tasty treat for everyone to enjoy. For drinks, serve up a special sparkling pink punch. Simply mix equal parts pink lemonade and strawberry-flavored sparkling water, then serve it in plastic champagne flutes to make your guests feel extra fancy. With games, treats, and drinks all set up, your Valentine's Day party is sure to be a hit!


As Valentine's Day approaches, you are probably thinking about how to spend your day, but it doesn’t have to be about finding a romantic getaway or planning a fancy dinner. Instead, embrace the opportunity to create special memories with your kids. From heart-shaped breakfasts to snuggling up for a family movie night, there are countless ways to celebrate love and togetherness with your little ones.

Cheers to a Valentine's Day filled with laughter, joy, and endless love!

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