Unveiling the Secret to Why Successful People Journal

Unveiling the Secret to Why Successful People Journal

Have you ever wondered what sets successful people apart from others? You may be thinking about what secret rituals they practice behind closed doors. Luckily, it’s easier than ever – journaling! The power of putting pen to paper has been a game-changer for countless high achievers. 

Good Mental Health is Crucial! 

Want to find success in all areas of your life? Your mental health must be in check! Many of us struggle with our mental health, experiencing anxiety, depression and more on a regular basis.

 looked specifically to 100 young adults and asked them to journal for 15 minutes a day. Despite only 20% of participants journaling about their feelings, the people who journaled found the biggest reduction in depression and anxiety.

It comes as no surprise that many studies have explored the benefits of journaling for your mental health. One psychological study looked specifically to 100 young adults and asked them to journal for 15 minutes a day. Despite only 20% of participants journaling about their feelings, the people who journaled found the biggest reduction in depression and anxiety. 

Writing Down Your Goals is KEY

Unleash your written magic! Dr. Gail Matthews’ study found that writing down goals skyrocketed achievement rates. Brace yourself because you’re 42% more likely to succeed. Writing your goals down on paper fuels motivation and steers your success ship. 


With your goals in sharp focus, you can clarify your intentions and make them tangible reminders of what you want to accomplish. By regularly revisiting your journal entries, you can evaluate how far you’ve come, celebrate milestones and identify areas for improvement. The reflection provides valuable insights that enable you to refine your strategies and stay on track. 

 Break dreams into action-packed steps, track progress and unlock your potential!

An Increased Immune System

Astounding findings in the Journal of American Medical Association revealed the astonishing power of therapeutic writing. Picture this: 107 patients with asthma and rheumatoid arthritis penning their thoughts for 3 consecutive days. The result? 70% showed clinical improvements! But it doesn’t stop there. HIV/AIDS patients who unleashed their emotions on paper experienced boosted immune function. 


So what does this have to do with success? When you’re healthy, you have the energy and resilience to tackle challenges, seize opportunities and achieve your goals. A strong immune system boosts productivity, reduces sick days and enhances mental clarity so you can perform at your best.

Journaling Could Lead to a Higher IQ

Could writing increase your IQ? Your brain craves stimulation and journaling is the perfect workout for your mind. When you put your thoughts onto paper, you engage in deep thinking and analysis. This mental exercise strengthens neural pathways, expands your cognitive capacity and primes your brain for higher intellectual pursuits. 


Let’s not forget about the impact journaling can have on your analytical skills and ability to develop a more structured and logical approach to challenges. A study from the Department of Linguistics at the University of Victoria looked at the relationship between students’ IQ and expressions in writing and found a positive correlation between writing and IQ. 


So, whether you’re striving for personal growth, professional success, or overall well-being, embracing the practice of journaling can be a game-changer! 


Success awaits those who dare to write their own story.


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